About the Journal
Journal of Computing Research and Innovation (eISSN : 2600-8793) is a double-blind peer-reviewed bi-annually published academic journal, managed by Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis Branch, MALAYSIA and published by UiTM Press.
Frequency of Publication (until 2021) : Quarterly (January, April, July and October)
Frequency of Publication (2022- onwards) : Twice a year (March and September)
Manuscript Language: English
Abstracting and Indexing
- Google Scholar
- Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)
- MyCite
- MyJurnal
- CrossRef
- WorldCat
- SciLit
Peer-Review Policy
All articles submitted to JCRINN are peer-reviewed with at least 2 reviewers. All reviews are done according to double blind review process. The average duration of peer review process is between 5-8 weeks.
Digital Archive
All published work in JCRINN are archived in
- Universiti Teknologi MARA Institutional Repository.
- Internet Archive Scholar
- Public Knowlege Project Preservation Network
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate open access to its content, ensuring that research is freely available to the public. This approach promotes wider knowledge dissemination and fosters global academic collaboration.
Journal Publisher
UiTM Press
Universiti Teknologi MARA
02600 Arau, Perlis,
Technical Contact
Mohammad Hafiz bin Ismail
Computer Science,
Bangunan Al-Farabi 1
Universiti Teknologi MARA,
02600, Arau, Perlis, MALAYSIA