Publication Ethics / Misconduct Allegations
Publication Ethics Statement
The ethical guidelines for Journal of Computing Research and Innovation (JCRINN), Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perlis, follow the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These guidelines apply to the chief editor, editorial board members, reviewers, and authors.
Journal Policies
Authorship and Contributorship
All contributors must be named to ensure transparency and research accountability. Authors are responsible for determining authorship and its order.
Non-author contributors should be acknowledged in the ‘Acknowledgments’ section with their name and affiliation.
By submitting a manuscript, all authors confirm their awareness of ethical guidelines and agree to adhere to them.
Allegations of Misconduct
Scientific misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, citation manipulation, and plagiarism. Editors are responsible for maintaining research integrity.
Suspected misconduct follows COPE best practices. Manuscripts found to involve misconduct will be rejected, while published papers will be retracted and linked to the original article.
The initial review assesses the credibility of allegations and potential conflicts of interest before further investigation.
Complaints and Appeals Process
Complaints are handled by the Chief Editor in consultation with UiTM Press, following COPE guidelines. Further investigations may be conducted if necessary.
Articles under investigation may receive a correction or retraction notice linked via DOI. In rare cases, articles may be removed in the public interest.
To submit a complaint or appeal:- Contact the Editor via email at
- If unresolved, escalate the issue to UiTM Press for further investigation.
- For complex cases, COPE may provide guidance on resolution.
Complaints and appeals should be submitted via email or the journal’s ‘Contact’ page. We aim to acknowledge receipt within 8 working days and keep complainants informed.
Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest may be financial, commercial, legal, familial, or professional. Authors must declare any relevant competing interests, including those perceived by others.
For Authors:Competing interests should be disclosed at the end of the manuscript. Example:
"TW received consultancy fees from [Company Name]. BH holds shares in [Company Name], which funded this research. SM is an editorial board member of [Journal Name]. All other authors declare no competing interests."
If there are no competing interests, add:
For Reviewers:"The authors declare that they have no competing interests."
Reviewers should declare competing interests on their reviewer page. Example:
"I was previously employed by the laboratory that collected this data."
If there are no competing interests, reviewers should state:
"I have no competing interests to declare."
Data Sharing and Reproducibility
JCRINN supports open research and encourages authors to:
- Share research data in public repositories.
- Include a data availability statement in their research.
- Cite datasets used in research publications.
Ethical Oversight
Research involving human subjects must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Studies must be approved by an ethics committee, with approval details included in the article.
Informed consent must be obtained from participants (or guardians for minors).
Duties of the Editors, Reviewers, Authors, and Publishers
Duties of the Editors
Publication Decisions
The editor determines which articles to publish, guided by journal policies and legal requirements, including libel, copyright, and plagiarism laws.
Fair Play
Manuscripts are evaluated solely on academic merit, without bias regarding race, gender, religion, or political views.
Peer Review Oversight
The editor ensures a fair and timely peer review process, selecting qualified reviewers while preventing conflicts of interest and fraudulent reviews.
Manuscripts and related information are shared only with those involved in the review and publication process.
Conflicts of Interest
Editors must not use unpublished material from submitted manuscripts for personal research without written consent from the author.
Duties of Reviewers
Editorial Contribution
Reviewers assist the editor in decision-making and help authors improve their manuscripts.
Reviewers who are unable to complete a review promptly should inform the editor.
Manuscripts under review must remain confidential and not be shared without authorization.
Reviews should be constructive and free from personal criticism.
Acknowledging Sources
Reviewers should identify relevant, uncited work and notify the editor of significant overlap with other published materials.
Conflicts of Interest
Reviewers must disclose any conflicts that could bias their judgment and refrain from reviewing such manuscripts.
Duties of Authors
Reporting Standards
Authors must present accurate, original research with sufficient detail for replication. Fraudulent or misleading statements are unethical.
Data Access and Retention
Authors may be required to provide raw data for verification and should retain research data for a reasonable period.
Originality and Plagiarism
Manuscripts must be original, and all sources must be properly cited.
Multiple Submissions
Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals is unethical and unacceptable.
Acknowledgment of Sources
Proper credit must be given to influential work that shaped the research.
Only those who significantly contributed to the research should be listed as authors. The corresponding author must ensure all co-authors approve the final manuscript.
Ethical Considerations
Any study involving hazardous materials, human, or animal subjects must include appropriate ethical disclosures.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors must disclose any financial or personal conflicts that could influence the research.
Authors must promptly notify the journal if they discover errors in their published work and cooperate in corrections or retractions.
Duties of the Publisher
Addressing Unethical Practices
The publisher collaborates with editors to investigate and address cases of misconduct, issuing corrections or retractions when necessary.
Content Accessibility
The publisher ensures long-term access to journal content through partnerships and digital archiving.
Manuscript Withdrawal, Retraction, and Correction
Early versions of accepted manuscripts may be withdrawn in cases of errors, policy violations (e.g., plagiarism, duplicate submissions), or editorial mistakes.
Articles may be retracted for serious ethical breaches, including plagiarism, unreliable data, or conflicts of interest. A formal retraction notice is issued and linked to the original publication.
Corrections (Corrigenda) address errors that do not compromise an article’s integrity. All authors must approve the correction.
Intellectual Property
Authors retain copyright on the published article, but grant unrestricted publishing rights to Journal of Computing Research and Innovation, its publishers and agents under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 License.