Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics Statement

The statement of ethics for Journal of Computing Research and Innovation (JCRINN), Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Perlis. This statement was adapted from the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) covering the code of ethics for the chief editor, editorial board members, reviewers and authors.

Journal Policies on Authorship and Contributorship

Articles must name all contributors to uphold transparency and research accountability. Authors are jointly responsible for deciding authorship and its order. Contributors not qualifying for authorship should be credited by name and affiliation in the ‘Acknowledgments’ section.   

By submitting a manuscript to this journal, all authors confirm their awareness of the ethical guidelines, agree to adhere to them, and attest to having read and agreeing with the content of the submitted manuscript.

Journal Complaints and Appeals Process

Upon receiving a complaint, the Chief Editor is will alert the publisher, UiTM Press, and tackling the matter in line with COPE's guidelines. When needed, further investigation may be carried out by the relevant bodies. The article in question will be marked with a post-publication Correction or Retraction notice, as determined by the investigation's results, which will be associated with the original article. The publication's credibility is preserved by linking this notice through a DOI and URL to the article, although in exceptional public interest situations, an article may be deleted.

To submit a complaint or raise an issue of potential misconduct to a journal, or to appeal an editorial decision:

Please submit complaints or appeals by email, by visiting the journal’s ‘Contact’ page. Our aim is to acknowledge complaints or appeals within 8 working days of receipt, and to keep complainants updated throughout the process.

If the resolution reached by the journal/publisher is not satisfactory to the complainant, the matter may be escalated to COPE or a similar, appropriate body.

Journal Policies on Conflicts of Interest/Competing Interests

Competing interests can be financial, commercial, legal, familial, or professional. Authors must declare any conflict or competing interests that are relevant to the published article (as well as those that may be perceived to be relevant by others).

For authors

Please place the competing interests section at the end of the manuscript, immediately before the reference list. The author's initials should be used to denote differing competing interests. For example:

"TW completed paid consultancy work from [company name] as part of the data acquisition for this study. BH has minority shares in [company name], which part funded the research grant for this project. SM is a member of the editorial board for [journal name], which is on a voluntary basis. All other authors have no competing interests."

If there are no competing interests, please add the below statement:

"The authors declare that they have no competing interests."

For reviewers

If you have any competing interests, please list them in the text box available on your reviewer page. For example:

"I was previously employed by the laboratory that collected this data."

 If you do not have competing interests, please add the below statement:

"I have no competing interests to declare."

Journal Policies on Data Sharing and Reproducibility 

JCRINN is committed to a more open research landscape and facilitating access to research by enabling reproducibility.

In that spirit, Authors are encouraged to:

Journal Policy on Ethical Oversight 

Research involving human subjects, human material, or human data, must have been performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Where applicable, the studies must have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee and the authors should include a statement within the article text detailing this approval, including the name of the ethics committee and reference number of the approval. Authors are expected to follow their institutional policies for research ethics. For most research involving human subjects, informed consent to participate in the study should be obtained from participants (or their parent or guardian in the case of children under 16).

Journal Policy on Intellectual Property 

Authors at JCRINN retain their copyright but grant the ability for the publisher/journal to disseminate the work under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0  License (and in very rare circumstances under other Creative Commons licencss). Full details are available on the Article Licensing and Open Access Policy 
