Factors Affecting Students' Acceptance of e-Learning System in Higher Education
e-learning, LMS, TAM, MOOC, e-learning, LMS, TAM, MOOCAbstract
e-Learning has become the most important supporting tool offering independent learning style among students. The main idea of this paper is to dismantle and analyse factors that influence the acceptance of e-Learning among students in higher education. An online questionnaire link was distributed to a sample comprising 123 respondents. Significant relationships and strength of relationship were observed between the e-Learning acceptance, quality, e-Learning self-efficacy, enjoyment, accessibility, and computer playfulness. The findings showed that all factors were positively correlated to the e-Learning system except the enjoyment of e-learning that did not affect the acceptance of e-learning. Conclusively, all factors stated were considered the main criteria in designing effective e-learning system. Future works such as embedding and integrating multimedia elements in the e-learning system will be additional attraction to learners and instructors for the effective learning style.
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