A Systematic Literature Review: Optimization Timetable in Education to Support Work-Life Balance (WLB)
SLR, Systematic Literature Review, Timetable Optimization, Work Life Balance, OptimizationAbstract
Scheduling academic staff timetables is crucial and necessary to avoid redundancy and clash of class between teacher and student timetables. A good timetable allows students and teachers to manage their time and support a good and healthy lifestyle. However, with the scheduling, academic staff timetable may use many procedures to get efficient results. Therefore, this paper provides a gap of study for existing work on Optimization Timetable to support Work-Life Balance (WLB) regarding their market commercial and research purposes. The methodology of this study was conducted using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Result: two findings investigate 1) relevant optimization timetable scheduling used and 2) the method for timetable optimization to support WLB. The strengths and weaknesses of the features and utilities behind each study are also presented to provide a further understanding of the gaps and weaknesses of each body of research. We conclude that these studies are still insufficient and require further evaluation and improvement.
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