Modelling Online Learning Satisfaction of Secondary School Students in Indonesia: The Role of Family and School Support
High School Students, Family Support, Learner Satisfaction, Online Learning, School Support, Teacher PerformanceAbstract
Fully distance learning has been implemented for more than two years in Indonesian secondary schools during and after the pandemic lockdown. The implementation of fully online learning is abrupt to most students and teachers, and little is known about what factors affect secondary students' satisfaction with online learning. Thus, this study intended to analyse factors influencing online learning satisfaction of high school students in Indonesia. An online survey was carried out, and 293 students filled out the Google Form questionnaire. Data analysis implemented the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method. The findings indicate that family support, student-material interaction (SMI), and school support are significant influencers of online learning satisfaction. Meanwhile, teacher performance (TPP) and ICT self-efficacy (ISE) had no significant effects on learner satisfaction. However, both TPP and ISE significantly affected the SMI variable. These findings suggest that when schools and families give sufficient support to students, their satisfaction with online learning rises, resulting in better student learning engagement and outcomes. The study's findings can provide a direction for stakeholders in high schools to better implement fully online learning.
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