ICT4SDG 6: Embracing ICT Integration Attainment of Decency of Water Services Delivery
ICT Integration, Digital Revolution, Digitization, ICT4SDG, Technology AcceptanceAbstract
Technological opportunities should be leveraged for the attainment of SDG 8 in SDG 6. In the 21st century, the majority of organizations have adopted and incorporated computer technology for the general management of their day-to-day activities. Even though almost all organizations have begun adopting the use of computers and management information systems, water supply companies like Igemo Water Supply company remain sluggish in realizing Digitization objectives. It is on this basis that the study was conducted to collect findings on ICT integration in water billing and consumption to enable the process of implementation, and deployment of a digitized water billing and consumption system. The researcher conducted an empirical review to collect literature information for the development and deployment of an electronic water billing and consumption system (eWBCS) for the Igemo water supply company to support the company in enhancing the convenience and efficiency of water billing and consumption management. The prototype of the system was iteratively tested and incrementally improved based on additional user requirements and prevailing environmental needs. The study found that the digitization of water billing and consumption will bring about convenience in water management.
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