Factor Influencing Academic Performance During Online Distance Learning: A Case Study at UiTM Arau
Academic Performance, Mathematics, Regression, Significant Factor, RegressionsAbstract
According to “COVID-19 Malaysia Updates’ (2021), the first COVID-19 case in Malaysia was reported on January 25, 2020, involving a passenger from China. Since then, people's lifestyles, habits, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors have changed, with working individuals adopting Working From Home (WFH) and students transitioning to Online Distance Learning (ODL). Students need to adapt to a new type of learning from home. Undoubtedly, every student will achieve a different level of academic performance. However, The COVID-19 outbreak has undoubtedly affected the educational context, including the students themselves. niversities have had to face these challenges, and some continue to do so. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main factors influencing a students’ academic performance and how the pandemic affects their learning behavior. In this study, Multiple Linear Regression was used to find the most significant factors affected students’ academic performance during Online Distance Learning (ODL). This study was conducted at UiTM Arau Branch, Perlis Campus, involving students’ part five Diploma in Mathematical Sciences and Bachelor of Science Management Mathematics. Sleeping hours, study hours, number of subjects taken, residential area and gender were the factors included in this study. The results indicate that the residential area is the most influential factor, having a statistically significant impact on students’ Grade Point Average (GPA).
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