Trends In Tourism Recommendation Systems: A Review
Tourism Recommendation System, Recommendation System, Sustainable tourism, Smart Tourism, Travel Recommendation SystemAbstract
Tourism Recommendation Systems (TRS) are increasingly important in the tourism industry to provide personalized recommendations based on diverse tourist preferences. Technology and big data have transformed TRS from traditional travel agencies to modern digital platforms, enabling the processing of vast amounts of user-generated data for precise recommendations. The study aims to identify strengths and weaknesses within existing TRS frameworks and techniques, propose recommendations to mitigate these weaknesses, and provide insights for practitioners and researchers. Key findings are the effectiveness of personalized and context-aware recommendations, the importance of multimodal data integration, the need for ethical and fair recommendation practices. Future directions in TRS research should focus on exploring and developing explainable AI and transparency, personalization at scale, enhancing multimodal recommendation capabilities, and ensuring ethical and fair recommendation. This review contributes to a deeper understanding of contemporary TRS methodologies and provides actionable insights for enhancing TRS performance. By addressing current trends and proposing recommendations for future research, this paper aims to advance the field of TRS and improve travel experiences for tourists.
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