A Comparative Study of Backward Euler and Adams-Moulton Methods for Lotka-Volterra Prey-Predator Model

A Comparative Study of Backward Euler and Adams-Moulton Methods for Lotka-Volterra Prey-Predator Model


  • Nadia Sajidah Mohd Sobree College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia
  • Nurizatul Syarfinas Ahmad Bakhtiar College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia
  • Nur Fatihah Fauzi College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia
  • Nur Izzati Khairudin College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia
  • Huda Zuhrah Ab Halim College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia




Lotka-Volterra prey predator model, Adams-Moulton Method, Backward Euler Method, Carrying Capacity


This research investigates the comparison between the backward Euler and Adams-Moulton methods in solving the Lotka-Volterra prey predator model, specifically analyzing the interaction between wolf and moose populations. The study aims to identify which numerical method provides a more accurate approximation of the model’s solutions. Data collected from the interactions between wolves and moose on Isle Royale from 1959 to 2019 was used, determining a carrying capacity of 21.24 for wolves and 948.15 for moose. When the initial population is below this carrying capacity, it tends to grow due to the availability of adequate resources. The comparison results revealed that the Adams-Moulton method provided the most accurate approximation, successfully achieving the primary objective of the research. The equilibrium and stability of the system were assessed by defining its dynamics through mathematical equations and evaluating the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix, resulting in a growth rate value of 0.5017. The system was found to be stable when the populations of moose and wolves oscillated with consistent amplitude, influenced by the growth rate. The findings emphasize the importance of carrying capacity and initial conditions in understanding equilibrium and stability in prey-predator interactions, contributing to population dynamics. This research aids in the development of effective conservation and management strategies for maintaining ecosystem balance.


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Author Biographies

Nadia Sajidah Mohd Sobree, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia

Nadia Sajidah Mohd Sobree with Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Management Mathematics from College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis. She can be reached through her email at ndiasjidh5@gmail.com

Nurizatul Syarfinas Ahmad Bakhtiar, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia

Nurizatul Syarfinas Ahmad Bakhtiar obtained her first degree in Pure Mathematics from the University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia in 2011. She received a master’s and PhD degree in Mathematical Modeling from the same university in 2012 and 2020 respectively. Currently, she is a senior lecturer at the Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis. Her research interests include dissipative solitons and dynamical systems and analysis. She can be reached through her email at nurizatul@uitm.edu.my

Nur Fatihah Fauzi, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia

Nur Fatihah Fauzi obtained her first degree in Pure Mathematics from the University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia in 2011. She received a master’s and PhD degree in Mathematical Modeling from the same university in 2012 and 2018 respectively. Currently, she is a senior lecturer at the Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis. Her research interests include boundary layer flow and heat transfer. She can be reached through her email at fatihah@uitm.edu.my

Nur Izzati Khairudin, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia

Nur Izzati Khairudin obtained her first degree in Pure Mathematics from the University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia in 2011. She received a master’s and PhD degree in Mathematical Modeling from the same university in 2012 and 2017 respectively. Currently, she is a senior lecturer at the Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis. Her research interests include dissipative solitons and dynamical systems and analysis. She can be reached through her email at zat.khairudin@uitm.edu.my

Huda Zuhrah Ab Halim, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia

Huda Zuhrah Ab Halim is currently a senior lecturer in Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis. Her PhD degree is in the field of Operations Research. Her research interest includes Metaheuristic, Network Routing, Mathematical Programming and Mathematical Modelling. She can be reached through her email at hudazuhrah@uitm.edu.my


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How to Cite

Nadia Sajidah Mohd Sobree, Nurizatul Syarfinas Ahmad Bakhtiar, Nur Fatihah Fauzi, Nur Izzati Khairudin, & Huda Zuhrah Ab Halim. (2025). A Comparative Study of Backward Euler and Adams-Moulton Methods for Lotka-Volterra Prey-Predator Model . Journal of Computing Research and Innovation, 10(1), 131–145. https://doi.org/10.24191/jcrinn.v10i1.503



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