Factors Influencing the Awareness to Adopt Permaculture Practices among Harumanis Farmers in Perlis

Factors Influencing the Awareness to Adopt Permaculture Practices among Harumanis Farmers in Perlis


  • Nur Syuhada Muhammat Pazil College of Computing, Informatics and Mthematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Melaka Branch, Malaysia
  • Siti Nor Nadrah Muhamad College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia
  • Nur Illani Razak Faculty of Agrotechnology and Plantation, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia
  • Zaim Farhan Yais Hazli Yais Faculty of Agrotechnology and Plantation, Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch, Malaysia




Attitudes, Awareness, Cost, Knowledge, Permaculture, Harumanis


In rapid advancing technology and increasing globalization, human are becoming more sophisticated in their ability to develop and execute technology in the food sector. To meet the demand for food and battle the issue of food security and sustainability, inventive solutions were taken. However, the present agricultural system has certain unintended negative consequences for both the environment and human health. The use of chemicals, expansion into new territory, reduction in soil fertility, and other practices were all part of the conventional agriculture system (CAS). Permaculture is an approach to planning that looks at the whole picture. Its goal is to build long-lasting systems that mimic the patterns and relationships of natural ecosystems. Therefore, this study investigates the factors which are knowledge, cost and attitudes in influencing the awareness to adopt permaculture practices among Harumanis farmers in Perlis using regression analysis. A set of questionnaires developed in the Google form has been distributed via online platforms to the 63 Harumanis farmers in Perlis and the completed data was then analyzed using SPSS software. The results of this study show that all the variables which are knowledge, attitudes and cost had a significant relationship with the awareness to adopt permaculture practices. It can be concluded that there were other external factors that contributed to the awareness to adopt permaculture such as type of plant and planting area. Hence, the study suggests that the government or any non-government organization should hold more campaigns or talks regarding the benefits of permaculture practices and should give more guidance on how to start and maintain the permaculture garden. In this way many people will acknowledge the importance of permaculture and they will be persuaded to start the permaculture practices.



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How to Cite

Nur Syuhada Muhammat Pazil, Siti Nor Nadrah Muhamad, Nur Illani Razak, & Zaim Farhan Yais Hazli Yais. (2025). Factors Influencing the Awareness to Adopt Permaculture Practices among Harumanis Farmers in Perlis. Journal of Computing Research and Innovation, 10(1), 146–156. https://doi.org/10.24191/jcrinn.v10i1.504



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